Saturday 7 December 2019


Or am I two years too late? I feel using "raw" JSF for nearly a year has helped me understand a lot of its shortcomings. That seemed like a really good way to get the full functionality of the JSF component model with AJAX custom components without having to use much Javascript. Returns an RPCRequest that is built by decoding the contents of an encoded RPC request and optionally validating that type can handle the request. If rpcRequest is null a default serialization policy and default request flags will be used. This method should be used if the RPC request could not be decoded or could not be executed because of an exception thrown, e. Go to original post. g4jsf

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In order to follow the article you linked above, does one have to use GWT 1. Am I two years behind? You don't have JavaScript enabled.

java open source: G4jsf CDK

Returns a string that encodes the result of calling a service method, which could be the value returned by the method or an exception thrown by it. Sign up using Email and Password. Where would I start if I wanted to start learning to use it?

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I hope it hasn't died, but it seems like that is the case. This method should be used if the RPC request could not be decoded or could not be executed because of an exception thrown, e.

I can really see why Seam would be helpful.


Well, based on the conversation in the reference below, it seems that G4jsf is no longer being supported. If the type parameter is not nullthe implementation checks that the type is assignable to the RemoteService interface requested in the encoded request string.

RPC (GWT Javadoc)

If the serializationPolicy parameter is not nullit is used to determine what types can be encoded as part of this response. If this parameter is nullthen only subtypes of IsSerializable or types which have custom field serializers may be encoded. Active 9 years, 2 months ago.

Returns a string that encodes an exception. This method does no security checking; security checking must be done on the method prior to this invocation.

Asked 10 years, 7 months ago. Otherwise these information are g4jsc from rpcRequest. I also will have need for thick-client side interfaces that will perform well with few server round trips. No comments g4nsf nostalgia. I've used JSF for about 8 months now and find it very simple to use for simple forms.

This method is equivalent to calling decodeRequest String, Class with null for the type parameter.


That seemed like a really good way to get the full functionality of the JSF component model with AJAX custom components without having to use much Javascript. Email Required, but never shown. Please type your message and try again. Invoking this method with null for the type parameter, decodeRequest encodedRequest, nullis equivalent to calling decodeRequest encodedRequest.

JSF also provides me the spider-readable markup as well as the ability to create very simple forms without touching much Java code. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. G4JSF is not supported due the complete 4gjsf of interest to integration between those two technologies.

How do we handle problem users? I have the same question 0. In particular, reducing the number of g4jsg trips by pushing more of the view control hiding and unhiding divs, paging, etc.

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Is there active development on this? Go to original post. I also intend to integrate Seam into my next project as well.

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